True belonging doesn't require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.
-Martin Luther King
K.I.N.G.S keeper is a membership program designed for boys 7-13 years of age K.I.N.G.S keeper program runs from September- May. In this program our boys will be involved in activities where they learn trades, receive tutoring, participate in community events, as well as sharpen the tools to express themselves through writing.
Lastly, OUR KINGS understands that a key component to each young Black boy is a son of a Queen; therefore, every mother who has a boy in the program will have access to workshops (via zoom or in person) and a full community of mothers. The topics for the workshops are all specific to motherhood and include healthcare for children, mental health for self and son, education on the education system on who your son is, how to support your son in school, and much more. By the end of this program the Black boys will stand taller and their mothers will smile brighter.

"Sometimes being a brother is better than being a superhero. "
-Malcolm X
K.I.N.G.S keepers will have access to one on one tutoring as well as in classroom support
K.I.N.G.S keeper member will receive:
Once enrolled in OUR KINGS Keeper members will receive OUR KINGS gear such as polo shirt, backpack, our signature logo shirt "I AM A KING IN THE MAKING "
and a sweatshirt. Our Mothers will receive a tote bag, t shirt and a OUR KINGS decal to represent OUR KINGS
Once enrolled in K.I.N.GS Keeper members will receive OUR KINGS gear
-Polo shirt,
our signature logo shirt "I AM A KING IN THE MAKING "
Mothers will receive:
our signature mother logo shirt "QUEENS RAISE KINGS"
OUR KINGS decal to represent!
What else comes with K.I.N.G.S Keeper membership?
-Outing and field trips
-K.I.N.G.S program
-Jordan Journal program
-OUR KINGS merch
-Mother to mother connections workshops
- First invite to our trade workshops program
-A brotherhood experience
-A exclusive sit and shout out at the mother and son brunch

OUR KINGS opens Enrollment/Registration for K.I.N.G.S Keeper August of each year.
Be the first to know when Enrollment/Registration opens up!
All youth ages 7 years old to 12 years old may enroll in K.I.N.G.S Keeper program with the following requirements:
Mother/ legal guardian must bring son to the first meet and greet. To meet program teachers and OUR KINGS
mentors. Learn about the requirements of the program.
Mother/ legal guardian and son must sign and complete all required paperwork. waivers, enrollment forms.
Mother/ legal guardian must provide son last report card/progress report. This is for us to support and guide the KING in the making in positive direction as he continues in the school year. Report card/progress report will also be us for our data on what programs are needed for each child.
If your son is absent for three consecutive sessions in a row, we have the right to terminate him from the K.I.N.G.S Keeper program.
Attend 75% of our field trips and outings.
Attend 3 out of 10 trade workshops.
Participate in 1 of our learning programs.
Complete 55 hours of volunteer services with OUR KINGS.
Applications and monthly fee are non-refundable.
Mother/legal guardian and sons must commit to 9 months of membership.
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the quality or state of being brothers
fellowship, alliance
an association (such as a labor union or monastic society) for a particular purpose
the whole body of persons engaged in a business or profession
definition :
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Brotherhood is a concept that has been used to unite black men and boys who share a marginalized status. It enables them to express their emotions, violating some of the dominant cultural tenets of manhood.
Brotherhood reminds you that you are not alone. It gives you a sense of accountability and responsibility to be better and meet your goals no matter what they are.

the state of being a mother; maternity.
the qualities or spirit of a mother.
Having a sisterhood in our motherhood Community members can offer us emotional support, practical help, and advice. They can also help us to feel we aren’t alone in our struggles.
Our community can also help us to develop a sense of identity. When we’re part of a community, we learn about shared values and beliefs. We are also able to learn about our history and culture as mothers.